Musical Director

Louise Brannon

Louise joined Redland Rhapsody Chorus in 1996 and started singing Baritone with her Mum.  It wasn't long before she was whisked away to sing in the Lead Section, as there was no denying that her experience as a lead singer in Musical Theatre lent itself to her being a lead singer in Sweet Adelines.  This proved to be very true when she sang Lead in her first quartet for many years.  But it didn't stop her in later years to sing Baritone in another very successful quartet, showing how very versatile and capable she is as an all round singer in the chorus.  

Louise's musical talent has always been sought by previous Directors of Redland Rhapsody Chorus.  She was Lead section Leader and Assistant Director for the preceding 6 years before taking on the role of Musical Director. She has always been enthusiastic about female acapella singing and never misses an opportunity for learning more through attending coaching and education sessions all over Australia. 

Louise has a very warm and caring leadership approach, and was enthusiastically voted into the position of Musical Director by chorus members in April 2016 when the previous Director stepped down to rejoin the chorus on the risers.   

Louise is very excited about her new title of Master Director, having won the Most Improved Chorus award at the 2023 Sweet Adelines Regional competition, with an improvement of 68 points. She takes a fun loving approach to all rehearsals, whilst recognising that commitment and working on the 'details', is all part of the satisfaction of singing and performing in a high level competition chorus like Redland Rhapsody Chorus.


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